BigDave's entries

Here's the list of symbols submitted by BigDave  — There are currently 13 symbols total — keep up the great work!

This is the logo of the Vegas Vipers
This is the logo of the 2023 XFL football team the Vegas Vipers.
9 months ago
Progressive Social Networks of Mexico
This is the logo of the Progressive Social Networks Party of Mexico that was formed in 2020. The Progressive Social Networks is a Social Democratic Political Party
2 years ago
Force for Mexico Party
This is the logo of the Center Left Mexican Political Party Force for Mexico which was formed in 2020
2 years ago
This is the logo of the Solidary Encounter Party of Mexico
The Solidary Encounter Party of Mexico is a Christian Social Conservative Party.
2 years ago
This is the logo of the National Regeneration Movement in Mexico
The National Regeneration Movement of Mexico is a Social Democratic Political Party that broke away from the Party of Democratic Revolution.
2 years ago
Ecological Green Party of Mexico
This is the logo of the Ecological Green Party of Mexico. It's more right wing than other Green Parties around the World in that it's Pro-Death Penalty and Anti-LGBT Rights.
2 years ago
This is the logo of the Mexican Workers Party
This is the logo of the PT or Mexican Workers Party of Mexico. The PT is a Democratic Socialist Party.
2 years ago
This is the logo of the PRD Party in Mexico
This is the logo of the Party of Democratic Revolution or PRD which is a Center-Left Party in Mexico
2 years ago
This is the logo of the Mexican PRI Party
This is the logo of the Institutional Revolutionary Party or PRI Party in Mexico. PRI is the State Party of Mexico.
2 years ago
Logo of the PAN Party in Mexico
This is the logo of the Conservative Mexican Political Party PAN or National Action Party
2 years ago
Flag of the French Popular Party
This is the flag of the French Popular Party that existed between 1936-1945 and was founded by Jacques Doriot and former Communist who broke away from the Pro Communist Popular Front.
2 years ago
Logo of the French Popular Party
This is the logo of the French Popular Party which existed between 1936-1945
2 years ago
Emblem of the Rexist Party
The Rexist Party which existed in Belgium from 1935-1945 was a Far Right.Catholic,Nationalist,Authoritarian and Corporatist Political Party. Unlike other Fascist Parties it advocated unitarism and ro…
2 years ago

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