Three finger salute

 Conner Sloan
Three finger salute

Originally used in the Hunger Games in protest of the government, it is used in many countries in Asia to protest oppression,

Originating in 2008 with the release of Collin's The Hunger Games, it was originally meant as a symbol of respect. However, throughout the trilogy, it becomes one of the most iconic symbols of the Revolution.

In real life, this symbol has come to represent Liberty and Justice for people within authoritarian regimes. The three fingers represent the french revolution motto of liberty, equality, and fraternity. It'f first widely known use (outside of anything related to The Hunger Games) was in the 2014 Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong in defiance with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the 2014 Coup of the Thailand government. It was revived in 2020 During a resurgence of the protests in Hong Kong, as well as in Cambodia against the CPP. It truly became a permanent symbol against oppression in the 2021 Coup of the Myanmar Government (This is when it caught my eye). It also has some ties to the Milk Tea Alliance, a democratic solidarity movement in Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Myanmar.
