Crompton's Triangle, A Man Stands Alone

 Courtney Emerson
Crompton's Triangle, A Man Stands Alone

Crompton's Triangle is the universal symbol of a man standing alone by choice, solidified by permanent ink on one man's body.

Few men have chosen the path of Crompton's Triangle as it shows signs of poor intellectual and emotional decision making skills. Referred to as the Solo Cuck in some circles, typically men and their friendships are divided when someone goes Solo Cuck. Once social isolation has been eternally solidified via the permanent marking of Crompton's Triangle, feelings of distress, agitation, and bloating flood into one's being. The stance taken by adorning one's body with Crompton's Triangle is one of complete and utter failure. The only way to break the isolation of Crompton's Triangle is to be cucked by Pepper Pots.
