Per ten thousand sign

 Yigal Ben Efraim
Per ten thousand sign

A per ten thousand sign or basis point (often denoted as bp, often pronounced as "bip" or "beep") is (a difference of) one hundredth of a percent or equivalently one ten thousandth. The related concept of a permyriad is one part per ten thousand. Figures are commonly quoted in basis points in finance, especially in fixed income markets.

The same unit is also (rarely) called a permyriad, literally meaning "for (every) myriad (ten thousand)". If used interchangeably, the permyriad is potentially confusing because an increase of one basis point to a 10 basis point value is generally understood to mean an increase to 11 basis points; not an increase of one part in ten thousand, meaning an increase to 10.001 basis points. This is akin to the difference between percentage and percentage point.

A permyriad is written with U+2031 ‱ PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN which looks like a percent sign (%) with three zeroes to the right of the slash.
