Piasa Symbol

 Lynn Atchison Beech
Piasa Symbol

The Piasa was believed to be a supernatural deity, similar to a dragon or mythical bird, who resided in the Underworld with the spirits associated with death and destruction.

The Piasa is seen as a malevolent being or monster, part bird, reptile and mammal, who fights then devours his enemies and was strongly associated with warfare. The Piasa symbol picture above shows these bird, or dragon like, creatures with horns. Antlers and horns signified spiritual power, especially when applied to animals that did not ordinarily have them such as Birds, Panthers and Snakes (Serpents). The Piasa symbol also depicts this bird monster with the body parts of other animals. The tail is long and undulating reflecting snake or serpent like similarities. The feet of the Piasa has the wings and claws of a bird of prey.

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