Coat of arms of Kenya

 Lynn Atchison Beech
Coat of arms of Kenya

The coat of arms of Kenya features two lions, a symbol of protection, holding spears and a traditional East African shield. The shield and spears symbolize unity and defense of freedom. The shield contains the national colors, representing:

Black for the people of Kenya

Green for the agriculture and natural resources

Red for the struggle for freedom

White for unity and peace.

Rooster holding axe - According to the African tradition, the rooster is the only domestic fowl that announces the dawn of a new day (more like the alarm clock - the wake-up call). That's why they keep them. At the rooster's crow, all awake and head for work at the early dawn. The rooster is also one of the few animals that seldom moves backwards. The rooster holding an axe while moving forward portrays authority, the will to work, success, and the break of a new dawn. It is also the symbol of Kenya Africa National Union (KANU) party that led the country to independence.

The shield and lions stand on a silhouette of Mount Kenya containing in the foreground examples of Kenya agricultural produce - coffee, pyrethrum, sisal, tea, maize and pineapples.

The coat of arms is supported by a scroll upon which is written the word 'Harambee'. In Swahili, Harambee means "pulling together" or "all for one". It is the cry of the fishermen as they draw their nets towards the shore. The same word is echoed by everyone when a collective effort is made for the common good, such as helping a family in need, or the construction of a school or a church.
