The International Flag of Planet Earth

 Ramya Shankar
The International Flag of Planet Earth

The International flag of Planet earth is a common flag to be used by expeditors of outer space who represent the earth, regardless of their country of origin.

The symbol emphasizes on the oneness of the planet’s inhabitants and life on earth. Every country uses their country’s flag while travelling to space, however this flag attempts to unite everyone with its symbol as ‘Seed of life’. The ideology behind this flag is that in future, when we set our foot into Mars, we should represent the planet Earth rather than a single country.

The symbol is a part of ‘sacred geometry’ that represents universal geometrical patterns found in nature. The symbol has a lot of religious significance and was being used in temples of many countries like India, Japan, Turkey and Egypt.

There are 7 interlaced rings (perhaps representing 7 continents) in the flag that are centered together to form a flower (the flower of life). Flower is the symbol of life on earth. The linkage between the rings indicates that all the life on earth is interlinked whether directly or indirectly. The most significant and largest part of the earth is the water – represented by the blue surface. The blue surface also represents the universe of which the Earth is an integral part.
