White Order of Thule

 gal kashpitz
White Order of Thule

The White Order of Thule was a loosely organized American society formed in the mid-1990s by federal prisoner Peter Georgacarakos, art school graduate Michael Lujan and New Age occultist Joseph Kerrick.

It described itself as an "esoteric brotherhood working toward the revitalization of the Culture-Soul of the European people". The Southern Poverty Law Center has described it as a racist hate group based in Deer Park, Washington. The group ceased publication of their newsletter Crossing the Abyss (for the first issue it was called simply "The Abyss") and announced that they were disbanding in 2000.

In 2005, a White Order of Thule blog was founded by Moody Lawless of the United Kingdom which was discontinued by 2011. This website reproduced much of the original material printed by the group in addition to new material.

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