The Levi's Symbol

 Yigal Ben Efraim
The Levi's Symbol

The Levi's Two Horses logo has been part of the Levi’s brand since 1886.

The company needed to quickly make sure consumers understood how good – and strong – the company’s jeans were, one of the answers was the image of two horses – each pulling in the opposite direction on the same pair of jeans, trying in vain to tear them apart.

But that wasn’t the only reason they first used the Two Horse logo, they understood that not all of their consumers spoke English as their first language. They also knew that not everyone in the remote West was literate.

With a memorable image to guide them, their early consumers could walk into their local general store and ask for “those pants with the two horses,” and they would get a pair of Levi’s jeans.

In fact, the product was called “The Two Horse Brand” until 1928, when the company adopted its Levi's trademark.

Levi's were using this design – in their marketing and on their product – continuously since the idea was first used in 1886. It’s a great concept. And it conveys a simple and important message just as well now as it did 125 years ago.
