Trishulam, Trishul or Trishula

 Ramya Shankar
Trishulam, Trishul or Trishula

Trishul (Trident) is believed to be the tool or weapon (astra in Sanskrit) of the Hindu God, Lord Shiva. The Trishul is a powerful tool which has 3 prongs like a fork, each of which represents the three fundamental aspects of life – the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.

The three are considered to be the 3 energy systems in the yogic world, specifically pranayama.

Ida and Pingala – Ida and Pingala represent the duality in the existence. Masculinity and femininity co-exist in terms of qualities. This means certain qualities like practicality, emotions, logic and intuitiveness and not the gender per se. A balance between Ida and Pingala brings out the best in a person and helps him/her handle various aspects of life in a better way.

Sushumna – Sushumna is the central space which is initially empty. As new life is created, the space is gradually filled by the energies to attain inner balance in one’s life. This space is important because it is one’s personal space that no one else can control other than the individual himself.

Lord Shiva is the upholder of all the 3 states of life. ‘Tri’ in Sanskrit means three and shul means problems. Since Shiva is considered to be the destroyer, it is believed that worshipping the Trishul can destroy the 3 problems or sufferings – physical, spiritual and ethereal.

On a lower level, the three prongs are believed to be iccha (desire), gyana (knowledge) and kriya (action). Once we control our desires and act accordingly (balance between Ida and Pingala), we gain true spiritual knowledge (Sushumna).
