Open Share Icon

 Yigal Ben Efraim
Open Share Icon

The Open Share Icon (or Shareaholic icon) is designed to help users easily identify shareable content. The icon aims to convey the act of sharing visually by representing one hand passing an object to another hand, while also representing an eye meaning "look at this." The icon was designed by the company Shareaholic, and made available by them under a Creative Commons license.

The Open Share Icon is supported by Ken Rossi (creator of the widely used OPML icons) and Bruce McKenzie (GeoTag icons), and is used by hundreds of websites and applications,[citation needed] including SmugMug (over 2 million users), the Shareaholic Firefox addon (over sixty thousand users), Wikia, NetworkWorld, Weather Underground, Princeton University, and Google.[citation needed] It is also proposed for use in the Mozilla Add-ons Directory.
