
 Ember Autumn Rose Leona

Semiquestionmacolon used in a series of rhetorical questions. Why do Americans like grammar?; Why bother?; Isn't it too bothersome?

Semiquestionmacolon used in a series of rhetorical questions. Why do Americans like grammar?; Why bother?; Isn't it too bothersome?

The semicolon seems to be necessary and the fragments rhetorical questions have little intelligible meaning without logical conjunction.

Placed into the computer science category since the symbol should be place in the openSymbol Font and given an ASCII code.

Proposed by for ANSI standardization and ALT +XXX ASCII CODE. In openInvent Digest Vol. 1 at

openInvent also wrote that a method for simultaneous text ( text which is super Imposed onto one another) will be a good way to denote two actors/characters speaking at the same time. This will be useful in screenplays and scripts. One method for doing so using images with text of various colors. And one line written in superscript while the other was subscript.

Simultaneous Text is probably most useful in notation of duet lyrics.
