JokerGem's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by JokerGem  — There are currently 105 comments total.
If you are the one attempting to contact Karl, the best way is to navigate to his member page here on the site, and click on the icon to the right of 'submit poem' under his bio window. It'll take you to a messaging screen. 

5 days ago

Thanks amigo!
I know, and there is something undeniably jovial underlying this one, which l thought into fruition so effortlessly that l had to share it to the site. I couldn't resist!
For all who toil in the trenches .... 

6 days ago

Try sending Karl a message, he’s as active as ever on here.

7 days ago

I concur...although, "This Is Just to Say" is by Williams not Neruda...[not meaning to nitpick]

15 days ago

I just wanted you to know that to me, something about YOUR style and influences stand out as being well-deserving of being in conversations about contemporary gifted writers. I shouldn't be surprised; knowing you are so well-versed on many classic and current poets, it stands to reason much of that could of 'rubbed off' on you -if you will- and contributed to this air of professionalism I detect. Whatever it is, it's a good thing--trust me.

It's my pleasure, stopping by. Thanks again for being a true fan and confidant. Also, just to alert you, I did not take part in the October contest but l’ll be around for the next one most likely - and eager to read the entries and winners. Good Luck!

15 days ago

Poetry pal, I’m just going to say this:
Reading anything you’ve written and reading something of yours for the first time -as with this- I’m always struck with the sensation that I’m meeting the mind of an authority, or one of established foreknowledge...
I don’t know how you’ve adopted that attribute (though I’m sure extensive research surely doesn’t hurt) but it makes your work that much more enjoyable. 

19 days ago

This image reminded me of the artwork that accompanied Noah Hawley’s Legion conception...l like the attached pic better but still...

1 month ago

I liked this picture the best, was the most intriguing...

1 month ago

Absolutely Kierkegaard!!!

Ok stay tuned for an image...

1 month ago

I'm toying with attempting to generate an image for this, just to see what AI has in mind for these concepts....

1 month ago

Oh, and I do appreciate the comparisons to Boethius and Lucretius. I do think of myself as a thinker and philosopher. And I have some 'philosphical' quotes, akin to Rilke’s, that I have thought of. 

1 month ago

You are only slightly reaching because l definitely touch on alternative realms to some degree. I swear this all came to me freely though, and that IS just a coincidence the similarity to the Hamlet passage. Adam, the contest winner, definitely hit on my main premise which is the mystical power of dreams reinviting and reuniting us with our loved experiences and happenings but it leaves room for several interpretations for sure. "The Eternal Shore" was pretty awesome, l feel privileged to be in the company of Tim and his works. 

1 month ago

Having enjoyed your company and contributions, it is concerning to me seeing you allude to shutting down or 'walking away,' but it's ultimately your decision... I was simply wondering if you found yourself in a strait or fell on hardship making this an easy choice to make but no matter what, be blessed and don't stop doing what you love --especially if that continues to involve writing... ;> 

1 month ago

Going somewhere you cannot still access the site or personal decision?

1 month ago

Awesome...let me know what, if anything, stands out to you or maybe something specific you may have liked...? the votes are ok, but a proper dialogue serves to exchange views, opinions, or feelings as well. 

1 month ago

Monstrous thanks!! It was my hope that someone could understand this well and digest the layers l packed in here....and yes, my free verse stuff usually tends towards a positive, fruitfull, enlightening direction. When the words came to me, l was having an easy time ordering and arranging them how they wound up appearing in the final product. I really am expounding on 'existences' which persist and gain added vigor via dream dimensions. I usually require one to put on their thinking cap to process my poetry but hopefully, leave them happy they did! 

1 month ago

feel free to drop by anytime you page is just a click away

1 month ago

You are quite welcome, Adam. One could tell from the very beginning of 'The Duet' that it was going to be memorable. Also, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that your 'The Tumultuous Soup" was impressive in its own right.

Indeed! You got the gist of my poem, and for me, dreams are instrumental in maintaining memories and embracing/preserving the love experienced in life!
~So happy your appearance on this platform has been most positive.

1 month ago

I’ve got to hand it to you, this was expertly crafted (and l normally steer clear of poems approaching on these sentiments) and master class- truly. This time around, the majority (judging) was onto something special --as it turned out. 

1 month ago

Although this has a slightly different theme and message, it vividly calls to mind, ’God's Garden,’ by Dorothy Gurney (which can be found on the site or, my page for quick reference)...that and this: both very tender poems 

1 month ago

Great,... just a great parcel of writing. l thoroughly enjoyed ‘Ordained,’ and l loved the structure and what you spawned out of the quote.

1 month ago

Superb poem with radiating theme ...given the number of poems this month that used a similar rhyme scheme, it seems this one held slightly more character and impact than most of the competition, and it is well-deserving as a runner-up. I thought it was definitely worthy of winning something. Excellent effort ⭐⭐⭐ 

1 month ago

Great motif, solid and inevitabley propitious when followed to the end. I'll be watching for you in the future!

1 month ago

ever so welcome,
my thanks for making this contest enjoyable to be a part ofˑ

1 month ago

This allegorical theme is one, quite pertinent to my continued participation on this site and these contests...kudos on breathing life into an original concept... and landing yourself another drinking apparatus! 

1 month ago


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