JokerGem's comments Page #2

Here's the list of comments submitted by JokerGem  — There are currently 105 comments total.
Well done!
~ A most enjoyable read!!

1 month ago

Perhaps you are beyond simple praises or trading comments on this site but at any rate, l just wanted to say that you clearly have talent and this was a very captivating piece.

1 month ago

How about excluding or deleting poems illicitly posted on some of the classic’s pages that clearly do not belong there and are garbaging things up?? I would be delighted if the instances in which I am referring could be removed or redirected from where they have been placed as veritable pranks --and l can direct you to a few, that I am aware of, if there is any doubting or suspicion to the contrary... 

1 month ago

Pleasant poem with an enviable use of vocabulary. I find it unfortunate this failed to garner much acclaim but it speaks to what is, of more relevancy to the ever-changing, monthly judges. This poet has got the goods! 

1 month ago

This was quite original and satisfying as someone aware of these moons ..did you mean to end it with a Saturn moon?

1 month ago

That would be pleasing to read if you so choose to replicate this one.
I tried to contrast the fleeting lights with acquiring more fixed perceptions while, I may dwell on the past it is not still here to be accounted for. Apperception...yes, I think my intuitiveness can best be described as, sorting it out, with that word.

I do like to have a consistent, even flow.. it's almost puzzling to me how it effortlessly comes about. Everytime I say to myself, "I am not going to rhyme in this one," l wind up doing it regardless. But the rhyming really does help to get the message across so I am not apologetic about it.
I wrote something a few nights ago that switches up the rhymes too. Thinking of entering that one -maybe next month.

Thank ya for the analysis and honesty, please do keep coming back! ;>

1 month ago

To me, part of the novelty of being a member here is being able to explore, peruse, and comment on anything that's been added (new and old) - I greatly enjoy that - so it's no wonder we found one another and became fast friends.

In regards to the contest, yeah, I think that's exactly what's going on. Alot of absenteeism. Perhaps even a week isn't long enough or there is generally no being effort made--and therefore that many less (potential) votes to tally. It's difficult to believe that many of the newcomers are unaware of the ‘job’ they have as a contestant, unless they are misunderstanding the contest description and rules and regs. I try not to overthink my vote, its tough enough only having one to give. Hopefully we can set an example of how the site’s mechanics work just by continuing to be active participants.

2 months ago

I just realized that I didn't properly reply to your comment (I accidentally do that sometimes) so you probably didn't get notified of my actual reply to it above so if you come back here you'll see it - I'm sure....but some afterthoughts I had were, it was interesting that my wording in the poem was similar in the "spirit has to fly' line to the words by Plato.. .. and yes, I considered altering the "match the heavens with the sky" wording but I ultimately decided it worked well and fit the cadence and theme well. It does pack a ponderous punch.
Actually, this poem came about after reading a short story titled, Ghost Walker, which contains a short poem in it itself, which reminded me alot of the speech in Henry V (exerpted above the poem) and they both are suffused with the message of giving one’s truest self in their actions. For some reason I wanted to build this through a rondeau form to try it on for size and I am pleased with the final product.

I know not all the contestants who participated seem to exchange comments, as we do...but in deference to Je Woo taking the news of Robin’s health struggles strongly, it is awesome you are taking the time to embrace and compliment the lot of them. You do us all proud and I believe Robin would be equally pleased.
This is a warm and comforting space to come back to because of folks like you. I graciously thank you.

2 months ago

Seems we were both inspired to some degree by Shakespeare for this contest! I can tell this was enjoyable to construct and I detected it might be by your hand - when I got to it.
~Dream a little dream~  

2 months ago

Well, as I’m speculating, views do not necessarily translate to enjoyment -or appreciativeness -and aside from someone (obviously) as astute & insightful as you appreciating my themes, I’m reluctant to trade off my anonymity for a surplus of new readers that may not echo your enthusiasm. Steve Dupere told me shortly after I joined here that, “sadly alot of poetry goes unnoticed,” but, to keep at it and attempt to get my name out there. For me now, the contests at least are a vehicle, or mode of exposing my efforts to more folks, though, it’s evidently up in the air how or if they’re connecting with them. One of these days maybe I’ll promote something again when I scare up enough cash!
But I’m enjoying writing these and thankful that at least you are grasping and liking is satisfying to go the extra mile combining creating and pre-prep to put together a piece that does get noticed.
--Love that you’re loving it and that IS a great Plato quote!

2 months ago

Though this one may go under the radar, I really feel like it stands out from the crowd as a unique piece of artwork. It has, to me, a professional and polished feel that I just could not ignore.

2 months ago

I know, it’s so simple yet rings true. I remember waking up back in February and this just popped in my head. So cool! This is motivating me to go and check out some of my older stuff to get the creative juices flowing some more.
As always, my gratitude to you, John  

2 months ago

I recall this from the July contest. It’s a great, jesting take on oneself while still squeezing in a bit of seriousness -it seems. Forgive me if I do not vote you some stars, sometimes I think the rating scale invalidates our creative expressions and misses the mark. Therefore, I will say, this entertained me and that is all I can ask for in a poem. 

2 months ago

A warm, soothing blanket of poetry....well done!

2 months ago

I’m glad you took my suggestion! And you did a double inverted like me but you can always keep going (if you’d want) and start with one again...for the constrictions, there still are possibilities...everyone bites on that story-telling style- that’s just not a strength of mine. 

2 months ago

Nicely done, pal. To diagram a scene so well with a limited pallet--well, this just reads like a snippet from the page of a story that people would love to read the rest of... challenge fulfilled✍️

2 months ago

spoke too soon ..bravo, l now see that newly unveiling the 'votes' and 'comments' sections was in the works! Nice new feature.

3 months ago

As of August 11th the poem totals for almost all members on the 'meet the members page' has been off - by a lot in some cases. There is obviously a glitch of some kind on that page...

3 months ago

l'm so happy to hear that! And glad this hit home for you! There’s always room for an uplifting poem ( I feel).

3 months ago

Hey, great job on this one...l had it in my pinned pile, also just a heads up: you misspelled 'cautionary.'

3 months ago

'Vix,' l'm happy you said so because l was particularly proud of this one and the message therein. I hope it reached some of the contestants too.

3 months ago

Excellent poem

3 months ago

Try and have fun with the process; with the form being so rigid, word choice becomes so essential....l was going to say, let me know when you write and post it but happily the site will take care of notifications.

3 months ago

Another dynamite effort - no matter how old!

3 months ago

Many thanks!! ...yes, l invite you to take on the challenge....

3 months ago


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